Tony Krentzien - Multidisciplinary Creative V_2025_BETA_1.6.4s

Tony Krentzien - Multidisciplinary Creative V_2025_BETA_1.5.2

Store Soon

︎HTW: Hacking The World

Full brand and ID development that started as series of keynotes and posters and evolved to its own identity, to be released end 2024. The main focus was trends and data and how humanity has been evolving since the pandemic, and now looks into the aftermath and constant evolution of human patterns and trends.
︎Category: Complete Rebranding, Motion 2D/3D
︎Clients: Francesca Tur & Berta Segura
︎Role: Art & Creative Direction
︎Year: 2020-2023, 2024 (Final Launch)

Latest iteration of the applied identity. 2024.