
Hi there, my name is Tony (24) and I’m a German, based in Barcelona, multidisciplinary creative and producer.

I move between on and off worlds. Editorial, Web & UI, 3D, Artwork, Branding... I love working on events tho, best combination of everything.

Recently I’ve been into resarching and creating tools with support of AI that help improve workflow on design processes.

My favorite color is #9D00FF .



        HVD: Graphics applied to advertising,
            CIC-Elisava, Barcelona.


        HVD: Graphics applied to interfaces, UX/UI,               CIC-Elisava, Barcelona.


    (Sep 2020 - Dec 2020)

        Graphic Designer @Studio F, Berlin. ︎︎︎

    (May 2021 - January 2022)

       Graphic Designer @Studio Achos!, Barcelona. ︎︎︎

    (January 2023 - April 2023)

       Art Director @Vasava, Barcelona ︎︎︎

    (Sep 2016 - Present)



Dmentes Agency
Berta Segura
Hoteles Wittmore
Eixample Teatre
Beilmann Marketing DE
La Grada
Joan Camí
Premios Esland
After Hours Records
Ràdio Catalana de la Cultura i l'Esport (RCE)
Foment de les Arts i del Disseny (FAD)



        CIC-Elisava, Barcelona.


        La Llotja, Sant Andreu, Barcelona.